Misunderstandings on how to detox copper have spread like wildfire online.
Misconceptions flooding social media such as "just take zinc to detox copper", "the body will just detox itself naturally", "I need to detox all my copper", and "one-size-fits-all cure protocols" have created an uphill battle in helping people understand the true nature of copper toxicity. On top of this, most practitioners are not adequately trained to understand or address copper toxicity. This page helps provide clarity for detox & healing.
Contents on This Page
Though the specific healing protocol will vary from person to person as determined by one’s individual mineral pattern, beliefs, genetics, etc, there are certain generalities that can be explained here. This site is not in any way meant to diagnose or prescribe, nor is it meant to 'cure'. The hope is that the information compiled here will give you general direction in your healing journey, but the importance of working with a practitioner well-versed in copper toxicity cannot be understated.
Within The Complete Copper Toxicity Handbook is the full Road Map to Addressing and Detoxing from Copper Toxicity. The Road Map presents a complete 360 approach to addressing this condition and offers an invaluable resource for anyone affected to understand the healing process.
All too often, the focus is just on taking supplements, or just doing a blood test, or simply being told to take some herbs or zeolite, etc. Similarly, oversimplified suggestions have filled social media groups, including the idea that you simply take some magic supplement to “fix” copper toxicity. Healing in general, and addressing copper toxicity specifically, involves so much more than that. Supplements are, as the word suggests, merely there to supplement everything else one does. All the best supplements in the world won’t do much good if a person refuses to remove their exposure source, or their lifestyle remains in a constant state of stress and turmoil.
While the Road Map explains the complete step-by-step process in detail, this page is provided to offer an overview.
First, we need to begin with the basics, as there are 5 key areas which are at the very core of addressing copper toxicity.
"I have talked to so many people who say, “Well, I read that zinc was good, and I did this and that.” And I said, “You know what you did? You actually activated detoxification mechanisms that now cause your depression to get worse." ~Dr. Albert Mensah
"Copper is one of those bad boys when it is leaving your system....if it’s coming out too quickly. You can indeed control the rate at which elements like copper are removed from the system through detoxification. And that’s extremely important, because believe me, you don’t want somebody or a family member calling you saying, “What did you do to my wife? She is not the same person and…” I’ve had that happen before. So we have to be very careful." ~Dr. Albert Mensah'
"Insomnia, increased fears and paranoia are common during the detox as the dumping of copper causes copper to enter the blood stream which causes a sodium potassium inversion...If you're not prepared for the copper dump, you'll have unbearable insomnia, anxiety, panic attacks..." ~Dr. Robert Selig
"Many symptoms can occur when excess copper is eliminated from the tissues. One may experience headaches, usually of the migraine type. Extreme fatigue, acne, skin eruptions on the head, chest and thighs, free floating anxiety feelings, spaciness, fears and disorientation may occur. Changes in the menstrual period are common, including irregular periods, cramps and symptoms of premenstrual tension. Men may experience testicular pain. The elimination of copper can also cause joint pains. Nausea, digestive disturbances, anorexia and discomfort in the area of the liver may also occur during copper elimination." ~Analytical Research Labs Inc
As the heavily copper toxic individual will most always present with adrenal exhaustion, the most common approach is to immediately target the adrenals to restore energy. Zinc is so commonly recommended as it is the most well known copper antagonist. Many practitioners tell their patients to take zinc to detox, and this myth gets perpetuated in online forums too. Unfortunately, that is NOT how copper detox works. Furthermore, when copper is mobilized too quickly through adrenal support and other copper antagonists without first ensuring an efficient biliary tract system and sufficient bile production, the mobilized copper simply gets stirred around and redeposited, potentially resulting in undesirable psychological, emotional, and/or physical reactions.
As copper is mobilized from storage sites and enters the blood, adrenalin secretion is increased. Adrenalin is an anxiety and panic hormone, and this is one reason why during copper dumping (when blood copper is elevated), these psychological reactions can amplify.
To be clear, zinc has a role in decreasing copper absorption in the gut, but it doesn't have a strong ability to remove excess copper from overloaded tissue. As well, zinc tolerance is highly individual, and in many copper toxic individuals, giving amounts greater than 20mg-25mg can often make their symptoms worse. There are many instances of someone taking a specific zinc dosage simply because someone else in some support group said they used zinc - for one person it may have helped them, but for the other person it can backfire terribly.
Using "zinc to detox" therefore is an elementary approach that pays no attention to supporting bile production which ultimately is necessary to excrete copper. It pays no attention to helping bind copper to ceruloplasmin in order to make copper more bioavailable. And it assumes that the issue is merely a copper imbalance, paying no attention to all the other minerals that have been thrown off by the copper toxicity...mineral imbalances that each have their own set of symptoms.
Too strong and quick an adrenal boost can also bring on serious copper dump symptoms. It might temporarily helpa person feel better (more energy), yet it can also backfire if the increased copper being mobilized can't leave the body and ends up circulating and getting redeposited in other body tissue.
The aforementioned is also true for doing exercise while detoxing copper. Anything that whips up the adrenals, which exercise does, will result in potentially similar physical and psychological reactions of a copper dump as explained below on this page. If any of these circumstances are occurring without adequate liver and bile functioning, copper gets stirred up and largely redeposited, often in secondary locations including the brain.
Herein is the challenge with detoxing copper - anytime you begin a detox, you whip up the bad stuff. This underscores why the detox must be approached slowly, cautiously, and intelligently.
"The correct approach consists of making copper (or calcium) more bioavailable by supplementing the proper co-factors, with the best choice being those whose levels are lowest ratio-wise to copper - and as mentioned above - may include Vitamin C, chromium, sulfur (MSM), molybdenum, nickel, or (rarely) zinc. The avoidance of foods high in copper is important as well. This will take care of the medical conditions a practitioner was originally consulted for, and at the same time prevents the potential development of new medical problems elsewhere related to excessive copper intake." [1]
While this site should not be used to treat or diagnose any condition, the following provides additional nutrient considerations and generalities that may be considered when working to detox and heal.
It is highly suggested that your specific approach be based on testing and consideration given to YOUR unique biochemistry and health factors.
Get Properly Tested
Have an HTMA test performed and properly analyzed. This will provide the evidence-based guidance necessary for establishing a nutritional balancing healing protocol. How much adrenal support, thyroid support, zinc, potassium, calcium, etc your body needs can be seen through HTMA data. If your doctor cautions you against using HTMA in favor of blood testing, that in itself means they do not adequately understand the complexities of copper toxicity nor how to properly treat it.
Adjust Nutrients as per Testing
Adjust mineral and vitamin supplementation accordingly, as best guided by HTMA results and considering various personal factors such as symptoms, medications, genetics and more.
Open Elimination Channels
Copper elimination channels must be open and bile must be flowing. This is a great hindrance for the vegan/vegetarian due to their lack of meat-sourced Taurine. Taurine supplementation will be essential in this case, as are other supplements that can support bile production. Likewise, if your motility is slow (constipation), that needs to be addressed since stool/bile is the main route of copper excretion.
Use Zinc Cautiously
Adrenal support and zinc, while both can be beneficial, must be used with extreme care as too much can cause undesirable physical and psychological reactions as already discussed. In fact, zinc is rarely used to detox copper, and certainly initially must be used with caution. It should be considered more of a preventative for future copper accumulation, or added in only after detox pathways have been supported. If zinc is supplemented for copper toxicity, it must be introduced slowly, beginning with no more than 10mg to 25mg. Likewise, while adrenal glandular and adaptogenic herbs can be great for mildly weak adrenals, once a person has gone into burnout these supplements become over-stimulating and in fact should be avoided, or used very cautiously. Though they can help restore energy at first, they can lead to increased irritability and anxiety, an increased calcium shell, and, in the long term, even worsening fatigue.
Support Your Liver
The liver must be supported. Only once adrenal function and adequate DHEA production is restored can the liver then produce adequate ceruloplasmin necessary to bind to copper to make it bioavailable. Just as importantly, liver support is also required to help make sufficient bile which in turn is necessary in order to get rid of excess copper. Improving overall mineral balance will in turn assist the health of the liver and adrenals, alongside the production of ceruloplasmin.
Digestive Support
Digestive support (which most copper toxic slow metabolizers need) is also required. As digestive function improves, so too will the efficacy of nutrient intake. Many copper toxic slow metabolizers have poor HCl production, so supplementation may be helpful.
Consider Magnesium
Look at your magnesium level. Copper toxicity depletes magnesium, and deficiency causes a myriad of symptoms (including clouded thinking, irritability, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, cardiac rhythm changes and more. Magnesium also supports the binding of copper for bioavailability.
Specific Vitamins & Minerals
Vitamin C, Sulfur (MSM), and Chromium are often a first line of defense against normalizing copper, together with magnesium potassium, selenium, glutathione, lithium, etc. This can then be followed by the minerals manganese (needed to release copper from intracellular lockup where copper's effects are toxic) and sometimes molybdenum (helping to increase urinary excretion of copper while reducing absorption). Keep in mind that these nutrients are best given as suggested through HTMA data and should be titrated gradually.
Whole Food Vitamin C vs. A.A.
Whole Vitamin C is different from the typical 'ascorbic acid' version of Vitamin C typically sold in stores. The former is the whole molecule, while ascorbic acid is just one part of it. While both are beneficial in terms of lowering copper and helping to chelate it from the liver and the brain, Whole Food C (which contains Tyrosinase as well as copper ions which the liver needs to produce ceruloplasmin) helps to raise ceruloplasmin levels, while synthetic ascorbic acid unbinds copper from ceruloplasmin. The adrenal glands also require large amounts of Vitamin C, and as copper stresses the adrenals more, the greater the need for Vitamin C in order to help eliminate the excess copper. Stress depletes Vitamin C from the tissues, especially from those of the adrenal cortex.
Additional Nutrient Support
Other beneficial minerals and vitamins not already mentioned, depending on one's HTMA, may include Potassium, Phosphorus, Vitamin A (retinol form rather than beta-carotene). Retinol plays a very important role in binding the copper ion onto Cp to make the copper bio-available. The following antagonistic (to copper) nutrients may also be advised: Vitamins B1, B2, B6, folate, inositol, and choline.
Caution with High-Dose Vit. D
In cases where the patient shows a high calcium level or low potassium (as is common with copper toxicity / slow metabolizers), oral Vitamin D supplementation should be avoided as it will make the negative side effects even more pronounced by further raising calcium and depleting potassium (further slowing the thyroid, lowering energy, lowering emotions, and increasing depression). It will also raise the sodium potassium ratio (which threatens the stress response, and lowers (calming) magnesium.
Caution with Excess Calcium
Calcium is also usually best avoided as it will further increase the calcium shell and further slow metabolism. Though it can help alleviate symptoms, it may be doing so by numbing the person's awareness and feelings.
General Dietary Considerations
It's widely accepted that vegetarian/vegan diets exacerbate copper toxicity, and vegans/vegetarians should strongly consider slowly reincorporating animal meat back into the diet (despite the strong resistance to this that will naturally be felt by many with copper toxicity). It will be almost impossible to properly detox otherwise. This is not meant to promote meat - the modern Western meat based diet is far from healthy and plant based diets have great health benefits, certainly short term. However, if you are hoping to fully recover from copper toxicity, despite personal objections to eating meat, it is of paramount importance to add at least some meat back into the diet. This does not need to be a lifelong commitment. Certainly though it can help speed up and make more effective the period of detox, and could be the make or break decision determining a proper recovery - physically and psychologically. Organically raised grass fed meat is recommended. Organic or not though, foods that have high enough zinc levels to counterbalance the high copper should be increased, these being red meat (best source) such as beef, lamb, and venison, chicken, eggs and pumpkin seeds. Likewise, high copper containing foods should be reduced or eliminated - these being notably shellfish, nuts and seeds (except for pumpkin seeds), soybeans (tofu, tempeh, miso, etc.), legumes, wheat germ (though also high in zinc, remember that the phytic acid greatly impairs the utilization of that zinc), liver, coconut, avocado, mushrooms, chocolate, and coffee. To help recover and detox, these foods should be limited. Sulfur rich foods (such as eggs, garlic, onions) are highly important to help with detoxing toxins in general. A high protein diet with low-modest carbs is generally best for addressing C.T.
Avoid All Copper? No!
While many with true copper toxicity don't fare well eating high copper foods/diets, this does not mean you should be avoiding all copper. Copper is an essential nutrient, and regular dietary consumption need not be avoided. The greater the toxicity condition, and especially if paired with poor detox ability and excretion, the more you may want to consider a low (not "no") copper diet.
Other Foods & Herbs...
Other foods and herbs that can generally help the liver and the detoxing process include: Fermented foods, Turmeric, Pomegranates as well as Brassicaceaes Vegetables, Milk Thistle (very important for liver detoxing), Stinging Nettle (nettle infusions), Flax, Dandelion Root Tea, Kombucha Tea, and Diatomaceous Earth (both of which bind to and help remove heavy metals from the body), and Castor Oil packs.
It's NOT Just About Trying to Correct Copper
Beyond copper, your recovery will also be determined by the balancing of other key minerals and ratios. Those minerals that are deficient in relation to others will need to be increased through diet and supplementation, while other minerals / metals in excess may need to be reduced. Keep in mind there is no one-size-fits-all recommendation that can be given here - again the detox and nutritional plan is a highly personalized plan that must be properly assessed and monitored. Without HTMA results to use as a guide, any supplement or detox program becomes nothing more than blind guesswork.
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Learn all about copper toxicity including the complete RoadMap for Healing and Detoxing,
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"One of the key mistakes made is recommending very high doses of zinc as a first line treatment. My approach is to first immediately deal with the excitotoxic effects of copper overload using key nutrients and trace elements. Chief amongst these is lithium orotate. This approach gives fast relief from the debilitating effects of excess copper. The first step is to reduce suffering. Not to do an aggressive detox that overwhelms the person. In some cases it is advisable not to attempt any detox at all, no matter how bad the numbers look, if the person is in crisis. Simple protocols that focus on key nutrients like magnesium, potassium, B6 and lithium orotate can literally be life saving." ~ Abduul Saad, Clin Psych.
"One of the key things you first have to understand is who you are biochemically and how the wrong detox mechanism can affect you psychologically and psychiatrically."
~ Dr. Albert Mensah
"Detox affects the emotional and psychological experience of the patient, as nutrient mineral levels become severely affected"
~ Dr. Karen von Merveldt-Guevara
Below are some additional things to look at in order to enhance the healing/detox process.
Identify & Remove Exposure
Identify where the source of copper toxicity is coming from and as best as possible, remove the source. While this may not be entirely possible, certain sources are obvious and can be adjusted. If a copper IUD is causing the toxicity, remove it. If it's the birth control pill, look into what other options might be available. If your home has copper piping, avoid drinking the tap water. If your diet is plant-based, it will serve your health to consider, even in small gradual amounts, incorporating some organic meat back into the diet. Without first removing the underlying key source of exposure, it will be very difficult to ever properly heal and recover.
Check Your Ceruloplasmin Level
Ceruloplasmin (Cp) is a key protein that binds to copper to make it bioavailable. The lower the Cp level, the faster copper will accumulate in the liver and the brain as insufficient carrier protein exists to bind the copper. However, while adequate Cp is a necessary factor, please be cautious with protocols that mislead people into the notion that raising the serum Cp level is the key to healing; or that seeing a rising serum Cp level is automatically a measure of progress. This stems from a lack of understanding of the nature of copper toxicity, and the various other influences on Cp. Consider that Cp will also rise together with estrogen (especially supplemental forms), as well as during pregnancy, lactation, with use of the contraceptive Pill, and ... during inflammation! Cp is also a late acute phase protein and high levels can be an inflammatory marker. If you give more copper as such protocols out there teach to an already copper toxic person with low potassium and slow metabolism, you're only further tanking their potassium level while increasing their Na/K stress ratio --> in turn potentially increasing inflammation and, as a result, Cp may increase too. People then get excited because they see their Cp rising and think the protocol is working, not understanding all the negative factors that can also cause Cp to elevate. . Some simple steps to naturally improve Cp levels include:
Reduce Stress
Find which areas or events in your life are causing you stress, and reduce or eliminate them. Taking on new projects, workloads, or hard exercise (heavy weights, intense cardio, crossfit, etc) all increase stress and can bring out many of the negative symptoms as the stress stimulates copper being dumped from storage. Other stimulants such as drugs, caffeine, sugar, glutamates) can have a similar affect and should be avoided. On the surface, that stress may even give energy in the short-term, but in the long run it will make the adrenals even more exhausted. Stressful events of any kind cause the adrenals to weaken further, making it even harder for the body to excrete excess copper while further impairing the utilization of copper. During stress, stored copper can sporadically 'leak out' from tissue storage reservoirs, leading to increased anxiety, depression, PMS symptoms, mood swings, insomnia, joint pains, acne, and a host of other issues. To avoid negative detox reactions, it's important to find ways to relax and be at peace during the process.
Mindfulness and Energy Work
Sometimes there may be past traumas (that keep a person stuck in a particular fight or flight or protective mode) or past programming that blocks the healing process. Addressing and clearing your energetic past opens the door for a healthier future. Consider techniques such as EFT, Reiki, or some of the mindset reprogramming exercises within The Healing Workbook
Avoid the 'Group-Think' Anxiety
While online forums on copper toxicity are a natural place to find support by hearing about others dealing with similar symptoms, often the anxiety of the "group" just feeds one's own already-existing anxiety. This has seen to be especially true on Facebook where it's become so difficult for people to navigate fact from fiction, making it one of the most difficult places to actually educate. The confusion / anxiety that exists in many groups does not support the healing of the individual.
Be Mindful of Your Beliefs
Healing does not happen by simply taking a supplement. Too many rely on taking some special supplement to heal all their symptoms while at the same time carry a belief that healing will never happen for them. This feeds negative mind-chatter and creates an uphill battle. This is commonly seen on Facebook groups where the focus is just on "what supplement to take" and yet the inner work goes ignored. While proper nutrition and supplementation are both important, ultimately it's your beliefs about life, what you deserve, the innate healing ability of your body and what your body is capable of, that drive a major influence towards your ultimate outcome.
Breathwork can be one of the most powerful anti-anxiety and stress relieving tools you can use. One very successful method is the "4/7/8 Breath". To do this, begin by fully and powerfully exhaling through the mouth. Then inhale fully through to the nose to a count of 4. Hold for 7 seconds. Then release and exhale through the mouth forcefully for 8 seconds. Repeat this for 4 breath cycles. Then stop. Do not go longer. Do this twice a day, consistently each day, for at least 6 to 8 weeks. Butekyo Breathing can be another useful technique.
Get Adequate Rest
When you get sick, what does your body want to do? It wants to rest! This is part of the body’s natural way of healing, by being able to apply its resources and energy towards the task at hand (healing), rather than running a marathon or working late into the night. Your body needs rest to recover, and the same is true when it comes to addressing copper toxicity and/or detoxing.
Sauna Therapy
Sweating / saunas offer a gentler and safer approach with a less severe effect than enemas. Infrared sauna therapy is in fact excellent for detoxing copper as well as other heavy metals and toxins. It also allows creates a parasympathetic effect which further helps with bile secretion, allowing toxins to be excreted.
Coffee Enemas
excellent for removing toxins and especially stimulating bile flow. Just be cautious as you can't control which minerals it will deplete. In other words, if you use it to reduce high levels of copper, it can deplete other minerals in the process. For this reason I do not suggest coffee enemas when all the minerals are very low to begin with. Otherwise, as long as your mineral levels are being monitored and adjusted, coffee enemas are very beneficial for detoxing. [Here is one brand recommended for enemas, and they also supply all the equipment needed].
Be Objectively Aware
Be objectively aware of recent behaviours. Did you make a drastic decision or did your life take a turn around the time your copper hit a peak or you began to detox? Decisions which could be seen as hurtful or have dragged you in a more closed-off direction are usually not your true, higher self, but rather are influenced by copper, negative energies, and triggers. Try as best you can to focus on positive, higher conscious behaviours such as forgiveness, love, kindness, compassion, openness, understanding. Believe in the real you, which is always positive towards yourself and others.
Seek Support
Seek support and guidance from those who understand copper toxicity and the detox roller coaster. Copper toxicity is very poorly understood. Though people and practitioners will offer you their advice, they rarely have true understanding of the extent of changes that copper can cause in an individual. Make sure the actions you take are based on advice from those who've taken the time to really understand the effects of copper toxicity.
recommended to help reduce the destructive effects of the superego (also known as the Judge (Malter, 2001) which copper gives rise to, and emotional support, are both very beneficial. In fact, psychotherapy and counselling are highly recommended to help the individual cope with the rush of awareness and emotions that may return as the calcium shell dissolves.
Read & Research
This page provides a list of key books written over the years on copper toxicity. These expert-written resources are there to serve you.
DPM-1001 Chelation
Though still an area of research, DPM-1001 is showing good promise as a potent chelator of copper [2]. It shows special effectiveness in the case of Wilson's Disease, yet its mechanism should work for general cellular overload as well. It may be an effective way to lower copper levels in the brain and liver, and provides a method of copper chelation with far fewer potential side effects than the commonly used urinary chelating agent D-penicillamine.
Relax the Nervous System
Surrounding oneself with environments that trigger the fight or flight reaction (be it social media or even one’s own home or relationship setting) holds back the body’s ability to heal and detox. For optimal healing to take place, let go of environments that trigger the nervous system with panic and anxiety (social media being a huge one), and allow yourself to peacefully do the inner work of finding one’s own strength and centering, releasing traumas, and releasing negative beliefs. Resist the urge of getting caught up in the fire alarm panic of the crowd that feeds confusion and fight/flight.
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"Correcting a copper imbalance can NOT be done in 2 weeks or even 2 months." ~Dr. Lawrence Wilson
"In the case of copper, a mineral almost all burnout victims accumulate, this by itself can take three or more years to eliminate. Sometimes we have had people on a nutritional correction program for up to two years before any of the stored copper starts releasing." ~ Dr. Paul Eck'
"The mobilization and removal of excess copper can cause psychological and physical symptoms, including; PMS, fatigue and exhaustion, allergies, brain fog, headaches and migraines, mood swings, cry easily or for no reason, cold hands and/or feet, depression, dry skin, chocolate cravings, feeling out of control, paranoia, despair and hopelessness, arthritis and calcium spurs, constipation, tachycardia or bradycardia, poor concentration or memory, short attention span, spaced out, eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, overeating), anxiety, panic attacks, yeast infections (candida), aching or cramping muscles, hypoglycemia, insomnia, mind racing, obsessive thoughts, cysts, mononucleosis, low blood pressure, hypothyroid." ~ Julie Casper, L.Ac .
"The first factor that can cause emotional reactions is the association of memories with mineral patterns. It is well known that thoughts and memories may be triggered by such things as odors, music, or specific locations that remind the person of something from the past. What is less well known is that memories can also be associated with specific biochemical patterns. As we rebuild and rebalance the body chemistry a person may pass through a mineral pattern of 20 years ago. Suddenly, thoughts or feelings from that time can flood into consciousness. The change in body chemistry unlocks, releasing feelings that were dormant or subconscious. To suddenly experience these feelings can be frightening inasmuch as they can occur out of the blue, when one thought they had finished with or forgotten a particular situation or emotion." ~Analytic Research Labs
As one eliminates copper through detox (even one properly monitored), patients will often experience the effects of copper "dumping". The dumping is simply the mobilization of copper out of storage sites. Though many people have elevated copper in their body, not everyone experiences the side effects of "dumping". Side effects appear more so in individuals who have accumulated a significant copper level and then if THAT COPPER IS DUMPED (OR MOBILIZED) FROM TISSUE STORAGE INTO CIRCULATION TOO QUICKLY. For those people, often the copper detox symptoms are very uncomfortable, and if the patient is unaware of what is happening they may stop treatment as it might feel too unbearable. By understanding that copper dumping and the associated symptoms are part of the detoxification process, patients (and their partners) are better able to endure what they are experiencing. Dumping usually occurs in cycles, and life can feel like quite a roller coaster for some time. Detoxing is NOT a quick process, nor a straight line, and there may be many up and down cycles during the process. This being said, the rate of dumping can be controlled in order to minimize symptoms.
It should be noted that aerobic exercise, stimulant drugs, and increases in stress while detoxing can further exacerbate symptoms of copper elimination (making dumping reactions worse). These activities increase metabolic rate and cellular energy production which in turn can trigger copper dumps from cellular storage. Exercise, by stimulating the sympathetic nervous system, also reduces bile secretion, causing copper to get stirred up but blocking its elimination [3]. Likewise, if elimination channels aren't open (for example, constipation), then all that circulating copper is likely to get redeposited...again causing unnecessary symptoms. Detox pathways should be addressed before trying to mobilize copper.
The copper detox process usually brings to the surface some of the worst symptoms of toxicity, both physical and psychological. Many of the case histories here exemplify this. The importance of proper monitoring and support throughout the detox process cannot be over-stated. As noted, not everyone will experience severe copper elimination symptoms - it depends on the extent of the copper accumulation and the aggressiveness of the detox approach. The key again is to support detox pathways, support adequate ceruloplasmin to bind to copper, and go slow and gentle.
"The mobilization and removal of excess copper can cause psychological and physical symptoms, including; PMS, fatigue and exhaustion, allergies, brain fog, headaches and migraines, mood swings, cry easily or for no reason, cold hands and/or feet, depression, dry skin, chocolate cravings, feeling out of control, paranoia, despair and hopelessness, arthritis and calcium spurs, constipation, tachycardia or bradycardia, poor concentration or memory, short attention span, spaced out, eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, overeating), anxiety, panic attacks, yeast infections (candida), aching or cramping muscles, hypoglycemia, insomnia, mind racing, obsessive thoughts, cysts, mononucleosis, low blood pressure, hypothyroid."
~ Julie Casper, L.Ac .
In addition, other symptoms of mobilization and copper detox can include flu-like symptoms, decreased libido, acne, spaciness, disorientation, digestive problems, nausea, joint pains, and emotional detachment especially when accompanied by the calcium shell.
Note: As one begins copper toxicity treatment / detox, it's not uncommon for the copper level on the Hair TMA to show up at an even higher level than before - this is simply the copper being mobilized. The copper released from storage into the blood as a result of detox is now free, unbound copper. Without adequate ceruloplasmin or minerals such as molybdenum to bind to the copper, the mental symptoms can worsen. This can also affect the ratios between other minerals (such as magnesium and calcium), and potentially lead one further into a calcium shell. This is why changes in perception and personality are not uncommon during the detox phase. The calcium shell also helps slow down the previously racing mind while also numbing the patient to what is happening around them, both of which could lead to a false sense of improvement. Relationship struggles / break-ups are common during this time (forums are filled with these cases, and the mechanisms for his are explained further on the Emotions page). It's important to keep this in mind if you feel your relationship heading down the same path. Remember that you are not yourself during this time. As copper stimulates the old brain and weakens the neocortex, selected parts of reality and the perception of certain people and beliefs can get distorted, compounded by the rise in calcium which creates what has been described as an 'emotional cataract'. Over time, as copper is eventually eliminated, the calcium shell (which previously had numbed the emotions and blocked awareness of what was happening), begins to break apart. This breaking of the shell may be experienced suddenly, or in some cases gradually, with little sparks of old awareness, memories and feelings slowly peaking through as the shell disintegrates.
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Another thing that can happen during detox is something known as "retracing". Retracing stems from a subconscious association of memories with biochemical patterns, similar to how hearing a certain song brings back memories of that time. The retracing phenomenon is explained in more detail here.
The stimulating effect of exercise is so powerful that it can actually allow an adrenal burned out person to feel fit and healthy, even as key mineral reserves are being dangerously depleted. The following excerpt is from the 1981 Healthview Newsletter Issue 27-29 in discussion with Dr. Paul Eck:
"When you are fatigued, and cannot, or will not, do anything about it, the body often dulls your sensitivity. It reduces your awareness so you can continue to function. Often the person has no idea of the trouble he is in until you pull him out of it. This is frequently true of heavy exercisers. One reason for this is that exercise can give people a sense of physical and mental euphoria which is not warranted by their physical condition. Vigorous exercise can cause a release of narcotic-like substances from the brain and pituitary gland. This is why runners say they get a "natural high." ...The person is getting an exalted and exaggerated sense of well-being that is frequently NOT supported by a solid mineral base. What concerns us about heavy exercise is that it is so stimulating. It has the ability to prevent people from feeling bad when they should feel bad. It has the ability to block out awareness of an underlying fatigue."
As a result, a return to exercise too quick and too hard in a copper toxic burned out individual can further support a false sense of improved wellness and cause them to abandon further treatment. The exercise, just like adrenal stimulants, also raises sodium over potassium, increasing the stress response, further burning magnesium, further increasing the calcium shell, and further complicating the process of counselling the individual.
Due to the genetic component of Wilson’s Disease making this a lifelong condition with potentially serious consequences if not properly managed, medical treatment outside the scope of this site is typically required, and a low-copper diet is almost always suggested.
Wilson’s Disease (WD) is a genetic autosomal recessive condition that causes an impairment in the vital ATP7B copper transporter gene. The main role of ATP7B is taking excess copper from the liver into bile for eventual excretion. The Wilson’s mutation of ATP7B leads to an inherent impairment in the body’s ability to excrete copper, in turn leading to higher retention (build up) of copper in the liver and the brain. A key hallmark symptom of WD is the presence of Kayser-Fleischer rings appearing in the cornea.
Beyond that physical sign, when it comes to testing, typically the blood copper level will be low, blood ceruloplasmin is low, urinary copper is usually high, and the liver concentration, of course, will be high. This overloading of the liver can lead to cirrhosis and then goes on to affect other areas of the body including the eyes and brain. A hair analysis will not usually show the classic copper toxic pattern, with the hair level most often not appearing high.
Not everyone with WD will experience symptoms to the same degree. One key differentiator that could cause heightened symptoms in some WD patients is the additional genetic mutation in MTHFR. This fairly common mutation can worsen WD symptoms by way of increasing homocysteine levels and associated inflammatory responses.
“Mutations in MTHFR are associated with increased homocysteine levels, which can exacerbate WD symptoms.” [4]
Chelation therapy is typically important for managing Wilson’s Disease, due to the seriousness of the situation caused by the excess copper accumulating if not efficiently managed. As I mentioned earlier, I personally don’t support chelation therapy for generalized copper toxicity, however when it comes to WD, chelation does become important.
D-penicillamine is often the chelating drug of choice, however the drug Trientine may be better tolerated (with less adverse reactions than that of D-penicillamine). D-penicillamine has been the copper chelating drug of choice for many years. However, it does have a risk profile that people should be aware of.
Tetrathiomolybdate is another treatment option for Wilson’s Disease. [5]
A lot of studies have been done examining the efficacy of zinc monotherapy on WD in comparison to zinc therapy in combination with chelation. Though zinc is still helpful, “Zinc monotherapy is less effective than copper chelators in the treatment of hepatic WD” [6]
An excellent summary outlining the results of various zinc and combination chelation studies for addressing Wilson’s Disease is previewed in the image on the following page. The original website/publication includes more than just the snapshot shown here, and is linked to in the reference.
"Over 30 years ago, Hoffer and Osmond discovered that Vitamin C was helpful in the treatment of certain, not all, schizophrenics. We know today, from hair analysis research, that the type of schizophrenia that responds favorably to massive doses of vitamin C, is what we refer to as copper-induced schizophrenia. It is the accumulation of excessive amounts of copper in the brain, which is responsible for this particular type of schizophrenic behavior. Vitamin C causes copper to be chelated and removed from liver and brain reservoirs."
~ The Eck Institute of Applied Nutrition and Bioenergetics, Ltd.
“In cases where high copper and low zinc levels have altered the brain (ie: high copper induced schizophrenia), the following is one treatment protocol as presented by Carl C. Pfeiffer, Ph.D., M.D. and Scott LaMola, B.S. "The treatment program consists of the administration of Zn, Mn, vitamin C, niacin, vitamin B12, and folic acid. The rationale underlying the treatment is that folic acid in conjunction with vitamin B12 injections raises the blood histamine while lowering the degree of symptomatology. Zinc and Mn allow for the normal storage of histamine in both the basophils and the brain. With this treatment the high blood Cu is slowly reduced and symptoms are slowly relieved in several months time. Zinc and Mn with vitamin C remove Cu from the tissues. The largest tissues of the body, namely the liver and muscles, are flushed of their Cu first so the serum Cu may rise to aggravate mental symptoms. If this occurs then the dose of Zn should be reduced." [7]
"A great deal of energy is expended to hold on to resentments, frustrations, anger, guilt, rage, shame, and fears. Whatever energy may be built up by taking vitamins and minerals may continue to be drained and wasted in holding on to emotional conflicts and feelings that are not adequately dealt with.... Mineral patterns may remain out of balance because there is an internal psychological resistance to change. Until the person works through and resolves the emotionally conflicts, mentally, he or she will be blocked in changing their related adverse mineral pattern....When the emotional conflict is finally resolved, a tremendous amount of energy is freed up and a significant mineral pattern change may then take place."
~Dr. Rick Malter Ph.D (Excerpt from "The Strands of Health")
"A high tissue level of calcium tends to block natural cellular functioning [and] tends to be associated with emotional blocking, numbing of feelings, depression, low self-esteem, pessimism, and feelings of inferiority. The more need there is for emotional blocking and deadening of feelings, the more the TMA calcium will tend to exceed magnesium. …In alcoholic or other dysfunctional families, there seems to be a strong tendency for a child to develop a calcium "shell" as a natural self-protective mechanism which helps to constantly deaden feelings of vulnerability and anxiety. …This calcium shell can become a chronic entrenched mineral pattern. …Psychologically, a chronic high Ca/Mg ratio tends to be associated with denial or covering up a problem with which the individual cannot or will not deal." [8]
“As an adult, if we find ourselves overreacting to stressors in our life with a heightened stress response – an argument with our spouse, a bill we weren’t expecting, a car that swerves in front of us on the highway – our inflammatory response stays on high, and this leads to physical disease and neuroinflammation, and mental health disorders. Mental and physical health disorders are a result of both the toxic stress response that developed in childhood, intertwined with our behavior — how we react to the adversity around us now — and together this becomes embedded deep into our biology. "
~Donna Jackson Nakazawa
"Individuals with an abuse history, or a history of trauma, also form neural units that do not serve them for health, wellbeing, and a peaceful life. This is one reason why individuals have a difficult time correcting their mineral balance without healing their emotional history, and/or spiritual levels. We are much more than a body." ~Rachel Neumann
Copper toxicity perfectly demonstrates the intimate connection between mind and body, between biology and psychology, each influencing the other. Beyond the physical symptoms, we've also seen how excess copper plays a powerful role on emotional/mental health. It can also play a role in our spiritual growth. Excess bio-unavailable copper gets largely stored in our tissues, which also is where an energetic memory of our fears get stored. As copper gets stirred up and mobilized through detox, so too can old belief systems from our parents and childhood, along with traumatic memories and fears. If we're not careful, we then approach healing as if we're driving a car and deciding which way to turn based on what we see in the rear view mirror. We need to be mindful of this influence. We can also consider the view of Traditional Chinese Medicine which says that anger gets stored primarily in the liver. Many experts regard depression as a form of repressed anger. As one cleanses the liver through detox, these long-buried negative emotions of anger, fears, or traumas which we don't want to look at may come to the surface together with the toxic load. Awareness of this possibility can hold a key to continuing the journey versus giving up.
This is an opportunity therefore to examine how past hurts and beliefs may be affecting one's current behaviour, and to let them go so they no longer control and sabotage our lives. Did you inherit non-supportive beliefs from your parents? Are you now acting in a similar way or pattern as one or both your parents? Is there a trauma to deal with? As for fear, it is the greatest enemy that stops us in our evolution in life. Sometimes the greater our spiritual evolutionary 'reward' (awakening), the greater the fear that one must conquer first...and in the context of this topic, copper toxicity may be the catalyst that calls one to that challenge of growth. Forgiveness, of yourself and others, becomes the next step. In this light, a quote from the book 'A Course in Miracles' is well suited: "The world we see merely reflects our own internal frame of reference...Projection makes perception. We look inside first, decide the world we want to see and then project that world outside, making it the truth as we see it. We make it true by our interpretations of what it is we are seeing...We have distorted the world by our twisted defences, and are therefore seeing what is not there. As we learn to recognize our perceptual errors, we also learn to look past them or 'forgive'... Forgiveness means no longer living in the fearful past...Forgiveness is the most powerful healer of all... "
If a calcium shell has been present, that shell may also 'dissolve' over time, helped of course with targeted nutritional support, but it may also dissolve by itself over the years or decades. With the calcium shell gone, one may experience a sense of awakening... a re-opening towards people, feelings, and activities which previously had brought enjoyment prior to the calcium shell forming.
It can be helpful to take a step back and question reactions to people that may have occurred during the phase of copper accumulation and the detox process. If a part of your life became closed off, that may present a clue to where a hurt or fear exists, and thus the most important, albeit hardest, area to examine.
Not to be confused with the way things may have appeared to be normal while under the influence of the calcium shell or other imbalances, but those who put in the effort to truly heal themselves physically and mentally (arduous and long as the process often is), invariably refer to copper toxicity as the catalyst to their greatest spiritual growth and self-awakening.
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References on this Page:
[1] https://acu-cell.com/crcu.html
[2, 6] Krishnan, N., Felice, C., Rivera, K., Pappin, D. J., & Tonks, N. K. (2018). DPM-1001 decreased copper levels and ameliorated deficits in a mouse model of Wilson’s disease. Genes & Development, 32(13–14), 944–952. https://doi.org/10.1101/gad.314658.118
[3] Rhoades, R. A., & Bell, D. R. (2012). Medical phisiology: Principles for clinical medicine. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. [link]
[4] Kieffer, D. A., & Medici, V. (2017). Wilson disease: At the crossroads between genetics and epigenetics—A review of the evidence. Liver Research, 1(2), 121–130. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.livres.2017.08.003
[5] Brewer, G. J., Hedera, P., Kluin, K. J., Carlson, M., Askari, F., Dick, R. B., Sitterly, J., & Fink, J. K. (2003). Treatment of Wilson disease with ammonium tetrathiomolybdate: III. Initial therapy in a total of 55 neurologically affected patients and follow-up with zinc therapy. Archives of Neurology, 60(3), 379. https://doi.org/10.1001/archneur.60.3.379
[7] https://web.archive.org/web/20160725115200/http://www.orthomed.org/resources/papers/pffschz.htm
[8] Trace Mineral Analysis and Psychoneuroimmunology - Richard Malter, Ph.D. (n.d.-a). Orthomolecular.org. http://www.orthomolecular.org/library/jom/1994/articles/1994-v09n02-p079.shtml
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